I feel like I have been slacking so much in the blog department. It is one of my favorite things, posting and reading about my friends and family. But my mind has been completely distracted. What, you might ask, would have a strong enough pull to take my attention away from something I love so much?
At the beginning of the summer we talked about starting a book club with some of our friends. It was a little out there for me since I don't really enjoy reading all that much. We threw out a couple of ideas for books, but nothing really took. Then one Sunday, I was visiting with my Mom, and she mentioned something about a book called Twilight that was getting a lot of hype. I thought, why not give that book a try. I have been fighting the urge to post about this trilogy because I know everyone has heard of it, and I didn't want to seem like one of those crazy fans. But I can't help myself. I'm hooked!
It took me almost a week to read Twilight because I had to choose the busiest week possible to start. Then I read New Moon in 2 days. Because I was so in love, I didn't want to rush through the 3rd book, I wanted to savor the pleasure. But of course, that wasn't possible. I read that one almost as fast as the second. I'm nuts. I love it. I feel like they are my friends. Like I know them somehow. Like they are little parts of me. I'm so excited for the next book that Stephenie is writing. She is a great writer. I'm also looking for some suggestions on some other books that I would enjoy reading. I found the joy, the sheer enjoyment of losing yourself in your imagination. And if feels great! I doesn't compare to anything I've seen on TV.
I read these books with my friend Texie, and it has been so much fun. She is just as nuts as I am and I truly see the point to a book club. When something makes you think this much, and touches your life, it's nice to have people to share it with!
So once again, I've got my eyes peeled for a new book to fill the void that finishing this one has left. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated from all my reading friends out there!
I've been wondering where you've been . . . Goose Girl by Shannon Hale is one that was a lot of fun for me to read! I really loved it. I hear you on feeling like Bella and Edward are your friends!
Jill has loved those books and re-read them several time. I haven't had the chance yet but know that I will read them. I love reading as your Mom knows butthe books I most recently read you probably woudn't be interested in.
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas and any of Nicholas Sparks books I've loved.
I also like some of Patterson's books- there was a bunch about some science experiments- kids that grew wings and could fly. They were intriquing as well.
I'm looking forward to the Twilight series too!
This solves the "where is mary" mystery. I know I could call you, too. But I just started New Moon....so you understand! : )
K, when I was first reading Twilight, I'd start talking to Brent about my friends, Bella and Edward- it's ridiculous, but you know the feeling eh? It's insane-o how much you can make a story come to life- kinda lame, kinda not, but I'm hooked just like you! Long Live Vampires!!!
I was kind of a "closet" Twilight fan at first- I mean, who likes cheesy romance books about vampires and wherewolves? Weird people! But then I just came to grips that I am one of those people! I LOVED them! I read each book in like 2 days as well. If you haven't been to her website, she has some additional chapters and the start of a new book (Twilight written in Edwards perspective) you can read. Youv'e joined the madness! COOL!
I love that series! I thought Alysha was weird for reading but I fell in love. I just read another young adult literature series I think you would like. They are called Uglies, Pretties, and Specials by Scott Westerfeld (sp?). It is about a world where you are born ugly and when you turn a certain age you have an operation and become beautiful and perfect. Kind of a cool concept, great characters, and easy reading. Hope you enjoy!
Ok, so don't ever spoil what happens because I still have to read Eclipse. I just don't tell Craig what is about because he would make sooo much fun of me!
Pride and Prejudice, always a classic and it is fun to imagine what they would all look like.
Good luck
Ok, you said you're not a reader, but you loved the books, so I have to make myself read! Linden set Twilight on my nightstand and gets mad at me every day after school that I haven't read it! I'm going to just start reading.
I feel so bad that I haven't checked in with "the Mary special" for so long. With the move and all, it's been pretty nuts.
Well, I am hearing non-stop about these books- so I have vowed, once the last box is un-packed, I will read them. I really can't wait- it's been so long since I have really been into reading.
Well, your family is, as usual, so incredibly darling. And I want you to know that I am no traitor- I honestly haven't done ANYTHING with my hair color since our last one. No, seriously. And it still looks really good! You can't even see the regrowth. Now, if I could only talk Dan into letting me fly home for hair appointments! Platinum, then Orem, a little longer, Sandy- it's worth the drive, Layton... she must REALLY be good- but from Texas? Well, that may be taking it a little overboard!
Love ya lots!
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