So our best friends in the whole world just happen to be our next door neighbors. (I guess it's the other way around right?) We do almost every thing together. On Sunday evenings we sit together while Logan and Ryan complain about the Sunday night blues. Inevitable they always have them, sadness that the weekend is over and a new work week is beginning. So we devised a method of hopefully easing the Sunday night blues. We created Movie Monday! Now we can't do it every Monday (they do still have to work you know) but hopefully once a month the guys are going to take a long lunch and we are going to get take out and watch a movie. This months choice. . . the Island. (Ewan Mcgreggor and Scarlet Johanson) It is one of our favorite movies and the Flittons hadn't seen it. We got delicious food (Cafe Rio of course) and enjoyed a lovely mid-afternoon break from life. It was great! And even though the guys had to go back to work they were in good spirits. So to all those other people out there with a bad case of the Sunday night blues- try Movie Monday! It worked for us!
Logan has the same BIG smile in both pictures. so cute.
You two are going to look back on these days with so much fondness. So glad you are enjoying every minute of it. : )
It is really neat that you are enjoying life and doing such fun things. I always wanted to see an International movie at BYU during the day, but always felt so duty bound. Glad you are breaking the mold and having a fun time, especially with friends.
Gramps always had Sunday night blues, also. Monday movie sounds like a great idea to me. It wouldn't have worked where I worked because most of the time we could only have 15 min. to eat we were so busy. It is nice to see you break the mold and figure a way to ease work-day blues.
Oh man that is so great. Good ideas!
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