Friday, June 22, 2007


There is something about me that I don't really like, nor do I understand it. I am not able to handle when plans change. I am a pretty mentally organized person and I map my days out pretty well. I think most moms have to. So when I have something planned in my head to go one way, and for one reason or another it changes, a chemical or something in my body goes off and I can't control it. I get frustrated. That's why I get so stressed out about throwing parties. Because inevitably something will not go as planned. Anyway, what brought this whole evaluation on was our summer solstice celebration. We had planned it all out, and of course it didn't go that way. The fact that it doesn't really matter, and that it's all supposed to be fun doesn't out weigh the fact that plans got changed and the frustration set in. All in all, we had a good time even though we had to skip the hike and almost missed the sunset. I always enjoy being with our friends though and that's what really matters right? I wish I could get passed this but for some reason no matter how hard I fight it, that frustrated feeling sets in and I have what Logan and I have termed "weirdness". If anyone has any tips on how to avoid "weirdness"- please let me know!

Here are a few pics of us at sunset on summer solstice. . . the longest day of the year!


Richard B said...

Mary, I'm afraid that you have inherited some of the Parsons' genes. Unfortunately, that is the way I feel. I have developed a saying, "It don't mean diddle" in situations like that and try to carry on. One consoling fact, you can handle those situations easier the older you get. Once I started taking Zoloft (my happy pill) it helped alot. Sorry you got stuck with these "genes"? Keep working at it. I don't know if I'd call it "weirdness", but recognize it for what it is and do your best.

Chelle said...

Is the 'weirdness'contagious? Cuz maybe you caught it from me. : )
I've got some of that going on when I'm planning events. Through the years of birthday parties for the kids, I've had to just let go of some of my expectation because they never go as awesome and smooth as I envisioned or planned for. It's hard, but when a bunch of kiddos are involved it's all about letting go.
love ya, Mary!

Karrissa Winward said...

I totally know what weirdness is and experiences it the night before you posted that. Our hotel plans for Las Vegas feel through and I was stressed. Ryan told me, you should read Mary's blog, she wrote about what you did last night! It was funny, maybe it is genes!