Monday, April 9, 2007

Why every woman should have a son

Today Ayden played outside for about an hour by himself. One of our neighbors has a slide and another has a tramp. He just goes back and forth between them. I was watching him through the window and I saw him bending over in a flower patch. Then he headed for the house. When he walked with 2 flowers in his hand he said "Mommy, a flower for you". I just about died, it was so cute. I took it graciously and said thank you. Then he said "where's Sophie? this one for Sophie". Literally my heart skipped a beat. How cute to think of him out there picking flowers for his girls. What a great guy, I love him so much!


laura said...

That is so sweet! Tell Ayden to give Alan a hint! Just kidding.

Chelle said...

Mary, please tell Ayden to give Chris a hint. And I'm not kidding. ; )
(great story!)

Anonymous said...

What a darling story. Ayden is such a sweet, tender little boy. How could you not love such a great little guy. How sweet that he had a flower for Sophie, too.

Anonymous said...

Great story! Mom payday! They're few and far between, but they make it all worth it. Ayden is the best!