Thursday, March 29, 2007

So Darling Cute

I have this friend named Ester. She is from Spain and has lived in the United States for less then 10 years I think. Her English is really good for learning it as an adult, but every once in a while she says something that just cracks me up. She always says things are "So darling cute". I think it's just a phrase she made up, but it makes perfect sense to her. Well last night my kids were in the tub together, laughing and playing, and the only thing I could think was that it was so darling cute. Ayden figured out that if he says "no no no" and shakes his head, Sophie will shake her head back. He thought that was the greatest thing ever. And if he would bend down, she would grab his head, and that was pretty funny too. Then after they got out, I was holding Sophie and chasing Ayden. They were both cracking up. We had a blast! Man I love those kids!


Anonymous said...

I would love to have been there to watch all three of you. They are cute kids!

Karrissa Winward said...

That story is so darling cute! That is funny and I can just picture you running around chasing Ayden.