Sunday, December 4, 2011

{ Big day for Lew }

Sophie has had a loose tooth giving her grief for a few weeks now. I thought she would be like Ayden and have no problem pulling her loose teeth out because she's so tough. Man was I wrong! Even when she realized that the permanent tooth was coming in behind it she wouldn't let me anywhere near it!

So finally she decided to go for it herself. Logan told her to just grab it and crank it down as hard and fast as she could. Well, it worked! Our Lewis girl lost her first tooth!

I think she looks so cute and so grown up. She does not agree. I can't even count the number of times she has said to me "Mom, I look weird with my tooth out. I don't like it." Who knew a 5 year old could be so vain! Silly girl. I can't believe my baby girl is so big! Way to go Lew!

1 comment:

Gram said...

Wow, Sophie! Grandma didn't know your tooth was loose. I knew you told me the tooth was coming in behind it. Now it will have room to grown in right. Good job Lew!