Monday, August 15, 2011

{ Ayden Sean }

I have been meaning to write a special post about Ayden and I decided that today is the perfect day.
It is his first day of first grade!

{ He was very proud of his Utah backpack and had to have a picture }

Ayden is a very special boy. He is very smart and incredibly charming. He has won the hearts of most of his friends' Moms because of his ease in talking with adults and his story telling. I am always hearing from other Moms about how he sat at the table and talked their ears off while the other kids were playing. He just likes being around adults and having conversations with people.

Ayden is all about the fun. Before one activity is over he has moved on to the next making sure there won't be a lag in the fun. Some of his favorite activities are:
Riding his bike (with a friend)
Making up dances (with a friend)
Building a fort (with a friend, or Dad)
Jumping on the tramp (with a friend, or an uncle for that matter)
Going to Cherryhill (with a friend)
Having a late night (with as many friends as possible)

Needless to say, everything is better when you have a friend to do it with.

{ Sleeping in a fort with Dad and Sophie }

Ayden is a very good big brother. Not as much to Sophie, because I believe he feels like they are the same age, but more so to Myla. She adores him. She gives him voluntary kisses almost every time she sees him. When I went to pick him up from dance the other day she saw him across the room and squealed in delight before booking it across the room to him. He looks out for her and he helps me with her when I'm getting ready or just need a break for a minute. He tries to take care of Sophie and plan activities with her, but their personalities clash too much and it usually ends in a fight. He is also very sweet to his friend Brock who is 2 1/2 years younger than him. They love to play together and I always say he's the brother Ayden never had. He looks out for Brock and is takes care of him.

Ayden is incredibly talented. I know I have posted a lot of pictures and videos of him dancing, but I want to remember how early his talent really started to bloom. Not only does he have a lot of natural talent, he works very hard at it. When he decides on something he wants to master, he will not stop until he has reached his goal. He is incredibly driven.

Ayden is very picky. He likes to choose his own clothes, own food, own hairstyle. He has his own ideas of what is cool and what is weird. I bought his some cargo pants last year to wear to school and he refused. He said they were weird and everyone would laugh at him. He only has a hand full of things he is willing to eat and he never tries new things. I guess I can't be surprised about that one though, right!

Ayden is very entertaining. He loves to come up with silly little sayings or make crazy faces to get us to laugh. He can be such a ham! I know that's why he loves to dance though, because he shows his personality through his face and by moving his body.

Ayden is my special friend. He can tell when I'm not feeling well or I'm sad and he will always come give me a hug and kiss and ask if I'm okay. I often tell him that I don't want him to grow up because big boys are mean to their moms, but he promises me that he won't be when he grows up. He can be a sassy pants sometimes, but he is never unkind to me. And often when Sophie is, he tells her to apologize and tries to make up for it by saying something nice to me.

I will always have a soft spot for this little guy. I'm not sure if it's because he's my only son or because he's my first born.

But I am so thankful he's mine.


WIKKY said...

Yeah Ayden. Hope you are loving first grade! Enjoy!!!

Gram said...

A great post about a great little boy who seems very big now that he is in first grade. It is nice that his littlest sister loves him and lets him entertain her. I hope he is enjoying school this year.

How is Sophie doing in Kindergarten? (Notice the spelling)

rrife said...

Great post, Mary. Happy first day of first grade to Ayden!