Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Logan . . .

At least I'm only 1 day late with this post!

Yesterday was my sweetheart's 29th birthday! I can't believe how old we are getting! Isn't it unfair that as men age they just become more handsome? Well, this is definitely the case for Logan.

Here's a list of some of the reasons I love this man:

*He is so kind to me and always puts my feelings first.
*He is an incredible Dad to our 2 (soon to be 3) children and they absolutely adore him.
*He is a hard worker and extremely motivated. He stays up late almost every night working so he can put the needs of our family first.
* He is so generous.
*He is a happy person and always keeps us laughing and playing. He makes our home a happy place.
*He has a good heart. He wants good for others.
*He is patient.
*He is so smart. I don't think he even knows how brilliant he is.
*He is the man of my dreams.

I love you, babe! I hope you had a very Happy Birthday!


Janet said...

Happy Birthday, Logan. What do you want? A diet coke and a sponge bob?

Karrissa Winward said...

Happy Birthday to the 2 Hammer boys!

WIKKY said...

He is a pretty awesome dude!! Hope he had a great day!!!!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Hammer!!! We love ya and miss ya!! Maybe we could get together when we come for Christmas!!