Wednesday, September 9, 2009

{ First day of school }

My baby went to her first day of preschool yesterday! I can't believe how grown up she is! She had a great time, she loves her class, and is so excited about being a big girl! 

I'm so proud of the sweet girl Sophie is. She still loves to get into trouble, but you'll never find a sweeter girl. She is also very smart and I know she'll do a great job in school. She loves to learn. Sophie has lots of friends. She is very into playing pretend and Mommy. I'm a little nervous for the time when our baby comes, because I'm pretty sure she will think it's her baby!

And Ayden started, not his first . . . not his second . . . but his third year of preschool yesterday too! He's being a good sport about it. Ayden knows what he wants and doesn't give up easily on it. That makes for a challenging 4 year old but I think it will make for a successful adult. He loves to learn and even though we took the summer off from reading, he still loves to sound out words and is always impressing me with his knowledge.

Ayden is curious about everything. He always wants to know where things come from and how they work. And he doesn't accept his Mom's simple answers either. He is a good student and his teachers always adore him. 

There's nothing like the first day of school!


Gram said...

Awesome kids! I could just give them a great big hug every time I look at those cute faces. I hope they always enjoy learning. That is great that Ayden sounds out words. Keep up the good work.

Janet said...

What adorable children! I sure love them, it'll be fun to have you here next week.

WIKKY said...

How cute! Glad they are loving it!