Monday, April 27, 2009

{playing catch-up}

HOly cOw! We have had a crazy month! I don't know why but April always seems to be our busiest month! From our anniversary, to Easter, family visiting and wedding, this month has flown by! But we had a lot of fun along the way and I want to document it so we can remember the madness! 

My sister Laura lives in Tuckahoe, NY which means we only get to see her a couple times a year, if we're lucky. So when she comes, we want to spend as much time with them as possible and the time always goes too fast. The first day they were here we headed to, what has been named by our family . . . the Dead Zoo. (known as the Bean Museum on BYU campus to the rest of you) 

The kids always get a kick out of the animals and it's just a fun educational place. 

They even have live animals (or reptiles I guess) sometimes. My kids really loved seeing this cool lizard:

It was fun to see how much fun these cousins had right off the bat! You would think that since they go so long between visits that there would be a little warming up time, but they are best friends from the first minute. So cute! 

Sophie compromised on this one . . . she called it a monkey baboon.

Laura called us to come around the corner to see this crazy new exhibit! Check it out!

Sorry Jen, but that's priceless.

One of the nights we were lucky enough to have a girls sleepover at our house. The girls were so cute together! And even though Abby doesn't like being away from her Mom, she was a good sport and they had a good time!

Cute PJ cousins!

Watching a show in Ayden's bed!
I love Abby's face!

In the morning Abby was crying for her mom and I reminded her that in my house we eat sugar cereal and watch TV during breakfast! She cheered right up!

While we were waiting for the boys to meet us at Gateway, the girls had fun shopping with me.



Janet said...

So cute, Mary! I'm glad you got different pictures. It was fun to have Buchanans here and I'm glad the Hammers and Buchanans get along so well and have so much fun together!

jenny said...

Those are cute girls. We had a way fun month didn't we?

Laura H said...

I LOVED the comment...."we eat sugared cereal and watch TV". What a bribe! Great "catch up".

WIKKY said...

so cute.. you guys always have a blast together. Nice pose Jenny, ha!