Wednesday, April 29, 2009

{Monster vs Aliens}

What is the appropriate age to start taking kids to movies at the theater? I'm sure it varies between children, but after our "Shriek the Third" disaster . . . I was a firm believer that 3 was too early. (I'm exaggerating, it really wasn't that bad)

So when my friend Texie asked me if I wanted to take the kids to see "Monsters vs Aliens" I was a little leery. It sounded fun . . . put with the potential of being very very painful at the same time.

We decided to give it a go . . . and even though Sophie was all movied-out one third of the way through the movie, the pictures made it totally worth it!

My little bugs:

Ayden and Brinley:

Sophie and Brock:

The back row of cool boys: (Bronson, Bridger, and their friend)

The front row: (Ayden, Brin, Brock, and Soph)

And of course . . . the crazy moms that took 7 kids to a movie!!

It was such a fun afternoon with my babies. Sometimes I just have to take advantage of the fact that I'm lucky enough to stay home with these monkeys. They make me so happy.


laura said...

You are a great mom, Mar. Love the pictures! How was the movie?

Gram said...

I loved the photos of you and the kids at the movie. You were brave to take 7 children to a movie. There is no way I could do it now. So enjoy every minute you get to spend with those delightful children of yours. The great grand mom sure loves them and their parents.

WIKKY said...

funny glasses! Glad you guys went. Good movie, huh?

jenny said...

How fun! I want to see that movie. You're a cute Mom, Maria.