Tuesday, September 23, 2008

{ Sister'y love}

For the past 2 years (since Sophie was born really) I have wondered when my kids would actually start liking each other. Having them so close brought it's challenges, but I always assumed that at some point they would become really good friends.

Well I've waited patiently and I think that time is close at hand. They have started playing together a lot more. They love to play Mommy and Baby, or Mommy and Puppy. They like the same shows and the same toys.

This month Ayden started going to school Monday-Thursday. I didn't think it would effect Sophie the way that it has. Every day on the way home from taking him to school she cries "Mommy, I wan Aaa-sean, Mommy" over and over again. She hates taking him to school and she misses him like crazy when he's gone.

Here's a little video clip just to give you an idea. . .

What a cutie.


WIKKY said...

cheeese!!! I am glad they are starting to be at the playing stage. Nothing better than just sending them on their way to play. Cute!!!!!

Gram said...

She is a cutie!! It is nice to know that they love each other even though you will have the bickering over certain toys. It is nice that they can play together now.

jenny said...


Janet said...

I love Sophie and Ayden . . . and their parents!