Friday, July 11, 2008

{boo boo}

If you know anything about Sophie, you know that a little bonk on the head is a pretty regular occurrence. But there's something so incredibly sad about a major scrap on such a
beautiful face

She's a toughy though, she only cried for about 1 minute and then she went the rest of the day showing off her battle wound. Silly girl


Richard B said...

Congratultions Sophie on your boo boo. It makes you look even cuter. She might as well play it up and keep the neighbors and family laughing, like her mom.

nanajan said...

I'm sad that Sophie got that "boo-boo" at my house! She's still adorable though. She looks so grown up now!

Gram said...

Sophie, I hope your "boo boo" gets better quickly. We love that beautiful face anyway!

WIKKY said...

I say, nothing better than a battle wound on a pretty face, it shows that she is not too prissy and can have FUN!! Take it from me, I have Lauryn...