Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Wonderful Holiday

I have been dying to report on the wonderful holiday we just celebrated. We had a truly incredible time with our family, and made a lot of great memories. Our Christmas adventure always starts on the morning of Christmas eve when we get together with the Hammers.

They have a tradition of starting the day with a piniatas for the kids. There is one for the boys and one for the girls, and they go in order from youngest to oldest. The kids really love it!

{Sophie with some of her cousins}

After that we head back to the house for some delicious food and then the kids act out the Nativity scene. Brammy made all the costumes so the kids have a blast choosing their part and getting dressed up. Sophie wasn't interested, but was thrilled to be an angel. And he's the cutest darn angel you've ever seen!

Once the Nativity is over, the kids all change and we sing Christmas carols until SAnTa ComEs! He calls them all up one by one and gives them a present. (PJs)

Once the Hammer festivities were over, we headed down to Orem to party with the Rifes! Once again we enjoy some tasty food and act out the Nativity. My family also does a program where the kids all have a chance to perform.

After the program, we put the kids down and the adults stayed up playing games. We had a really good time together.

Our Christmas day is far more mellow then Christmas eve. We started with presents at my parents' and then head up to Salt Lake for presents with the Hammers. We stay in our PJ's for most of the day, and just let the kids play with their new toys and enjoy spending time with their family.

So in the end. . . we had a wonderful week. I am so grateful for the wonderful Holiday and for the spirit of Christmas. And I'm thankful for a wonderful family full of incredible people.

1 comment:

Gram said...

Sounds as if you had two good parties. It is so great to be with family and share the spirit of the holidays. That pinata looked like it was fun!