Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our trip to the Dinosaur Park

With Logan being gone this week, I've tried to keep busy to pass the time. I'm sure that most moms do that. For some reason the day is really long if you don't go anywhere and Daddy never comes home. We planned on going swimming at the Roy pool today, but it was really overcast so we decided to go to the dinosaur park in Ogden. We went there once while on vacation at Wolf Creek a while ago, I think Ayden was about 8 or 9 months. I didn't remember much, but I told him earlier today that we were going there and he was really excited. We went with my good friend Texie and her 4 kids. Brinley (7) Bronson (5) Bridger (5) and Brock (4 months). The kids had a blast! Ayden ran around the whole time saying "hey guys, hey guys, come see this dinosaur!!" It was so darling cute! The moms had a good time too, aside from it being stinking hot!! Here are some of the cute shots of the kids having a wonderful trip to the dinosaur park:
Ayden and Brinley holding hands Sophie enjoying her ride in the stroller
Bridger, Bronson, Brinley, and Ayden

the 2 mommies!

Dusting off the dinosaur eggs! Sophie and her boyfriend Bridger
Sophie having a little sand snack
Enjoying a delicious Spider man popsicle


Anonymous said...

What a good Mom to take the kids to Dinosaur Prk on a hot day. Looks as if everyone had fun including Sophie with her sand snack. I had to laugh at Ayden's comments. He is just old enough to appreciate some of the different things in the world. I know they miss their Dad as does the Mom. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got a good night's sleep and had a fun day with your kiddies and friends! You're a good Mom and Ayden and Sophie love you.

Abi said...

Your such a good mom!

BRIANA said...

How fun--the dinosaur park!! I too will have to keep busy as Paul leaves on Sunday to go to New Mexico for an ER rotation for 4 weeks! AHHHHH! What do we do without our daddies!??!?