Monday, April 23, 2007

Day with the girls

My sister is in town from New York for a few days. I always love it when she comes to visit and I try to spend as much time as possible with her before she leaves again. So today Mom, Jenny, and Laur came up to my house for a little girls day. We met at Old Navy (it wouldn't be a true girls day without a little shopping right?!) and then got take out and came home to eat and chill. I always love spending time with my girls. They all inspire me in so many ways. In my Young Women's lesson this week we talked about preparing for the temple. I used Jenny as an example because she goes to the temple to do baptisms with her school friends. How awesome is that! Which means that she has a temple recommend and will be prepared when it's time to go through when she gets married. My older sister is AWESOME at reading her scriptures and teaching her children. I always see her sitting down with her scriptures and journal to study. And I know that she reads gospel stories with her children. What a great example. Then there's my Mom. She has devoted so much of her life to the Church. She serves in all her calling so faithfully, she studies the scriptures and prays daily, and she never hesitates to share her testimony with us. I can't believe I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful women. I hope I can someday be as great as they are. I love you guys.


Abi said...

Mary like you need to wait for the day. You are an amazing friend, mother, and woman!
How fun that you all got to play today! Those days are so needed.
Love you!

Chelle said...

Mary- what a beautiful tribute to your mom and sisters. When I read what you shared about them, it makes sense that you have these same qualities. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and that is a compliment. This was fun to read and made me happy to think of those great bonds! Thanks for sharing. It was great to see you guys yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you all love one another and appreciate each other's great qualities. You are great people and I am glad to know that I have posterity that live their lives in such a manner. It was nice you could have a fun day together.

laura said...

Thanks, Mary. I love coming to your home and spending time with you. I wish we could hang out more often and that you could hang out at my house sometimes too!

I love you and admire you so much. You're an amazing woman.

Love you!