Monday, April 2, 2007

Baby Signs

I am a firm believer in the baby signs technique. I tried it with Ayden because my sister taught them to her son and he was so good at it. Ayden was slow to get it and I got discouraged sometimes, but eventually he got it. He never knew a ton of signs, but he used the ones he knew to get what he needed. We started with Sophie a few months ago and she totally gets it! She has so many signs down- of course only her parents really catch them at this point. The ones she knows are: MORE, ALL DONE, MILK, and DOG. She responds to EAT, but she hasn't done it yet. It is such a great way to see their little minds working and see how smart they are. I think they understand a lot more then they let on, even at this age. I think every mother should at least attempt to teach their child to sign.

1 comment:

laura said...

I'm so glad that Sophie's taking to the signs young like Connor did. She'll be a pro. Abigail is just now starting to catch on and enjoy it. I think there's still hope! I hope there's still hope!