Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My big change

So my cousin has a blog too, and she wrote about her big change of switching to sweet pork instead of chicken at Cafe Rio. Well, I couldn't make that big of a switch, but she did inspire me to try something else. I usually get the chicken burrito and eat almost all of it- stuffing myself so much I'm full for days. Well today I decided to try the enchilada instead because my friend said it was the same but much smaller. I was thoroughly impressed! I actually liked having my beans and rice on the side too. So I would like to say that you may think you know exactly what you get at Cafe Rio, but if you dare to venture off you might be pleasantly surprised!


laura said...

Why didn't you figure that out when I was there? I do like the small salad from Costa Vida, though. Much better size.

Laura, you should have great Mexican, shouldn't you? It's us New Yorkers who have NOTHING in the way of Mexican.

Karrissa Winward said...

Way to go Mary! It really did fill you up? The enchiladas look so small! Well, maybe we will go together and you can try my sweet pork and see how you like it.