Monday, July 27, 2009

{ A brave soul . . . }

Our little Sophie is a brave little soul. She LOVES to go off the diving board! This was the one of the first couple times she realized this new found love. Now she is a pro! Every time we go swimming the first thing she goes for is the diving board.

Then she found a new love when we went to Murray water park. They have this huge slide and after I took her down it once she decided she wanted to go alone. She then proceeded to go up the stairs and down the slide about 30 more times that day. I told her wait in line, but she wouldn't listen. So she would slide down, swim to the edge, climb up the stairs, cut in front of everyone, and slide down again. It was the funniest thing to watch and I think everyone kept letting her do it because she's so cute!

Here's a full shot of how big the slide was . . .


Richard said...

Yea, Mary blogged again! I've missed your blogs, Mar. The kids are good swimmers, especially given my genes in their bodies.

Love, dad

Gram said...

Wow! I am impressed Sophie. There is no way Gram would go down that slide. I did it a few years ago at Seven Peaks and said that was the last time for me. I was so scared and went totally under water and couldn't find the edge of the pool. Sophie is really brave to do all the stuff she does.

BTW I love the cute photoat the top of the blog.

WIKKY said...

She is a dare devil! I love kids when they have no fear because it seems like they have to most fun!!!!