Friday, June 6, 2008

{haPpy bIrThdAy SoPh!}

Today is our little Sophie Lynn's 2nd birthday!

Here are some things you should know about Soph:

1. We definitely call her "crazy hair Soph" for a reason. No matter how hard I try. . . at the end of the day she inevitably looks like this.

2. This fearless girl spends most of her day on the counter. (despite my desperate attempts to keep her off it)

3. Sophie has the most adorable dimples you will ever see. (thanks daddy) Her smile can catch your eye from a mile away.

4. She is the ever changing girl. When she was a baby her hair was brown, and now it's blond. And when she was 1 her eyes were blue and now they are hazel.

5. Sophie LOVES shoes!! She loves to wear other people's shoes as well as bring your shoes to you. . . in case you didn't know that you aren't wearing any.

6. Sophie is one of the happiest little creatures I've ever known. She loves to play rough and to get dirty. She loves babies. The other day she spent 15 minutes straight pretending to change her baby's diaper. She loves her brother and she is talking more everyday. Every time she gives you a kiss she always says "lobe ou" right after. She loves to snuggle, sing songs, dance, wrestle, make huge messes for mom to clean up, and get into any kind of trouble she can find.

She is a girl after my own heart. . . she loves Diet Dr Pepper! Now when she asks for a drink and I go to get a sippy for her she says, "NO! Uh Mommies jink!"

Sophie has brought so much joy to our family. I can't believe she is already 2 years old. She's not my baby anymore, but she is turning out to be a really fun big girl.

We love you Foofie! Happy Birthday!


Karrissa Winward said...

I can't believe she is already two years old- man how time flies. She is adorable Mary and Logan and I sure wish I got to be around her (and you guys) more!

jenny said...

So cute! I loved this post because you described "La Neuf" perfectly! She is a crazy girl, but her beauty and her sweetness (sometimes) really shines through! We love Soph!

Richard B said...

I think Sophie and I could become friends. I could tease her and she'd get back at me in her way.
Such a cutie, great parents and handsome brother. Happy Birthday Sophie Lynn.

Gram said...

Happy, happy, birthday Sophie Lynn. We love you even with all your craziness that Mom puts up with. You have some darling pictures that really capture her essence.

laura said...

We love and miss Sophie so much! Listen to your messages. We sang her a lovely birthday song.

Happy Birthday, big two-year-old girl!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I got to see Sophie on her birthday! She's so big and SO cute!

Michelle and Caleb said...

I can't believe that she is two already. Time flies by when I can't see you. But you and Logan did a great job you have beautiful kids. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE!

Abi said...

Happy Birthday Sophie! You are such a darling lil girl!

WIKKY said...

Happy Birthday Sophie! Glad my kids could spend the morning with you! What a great post and perfect descriptions of Sophie!

Jen said...

WOW.... time flies!!! I can not believe that she is two!!! She is such a cute little girl. Happy birthday.