Tuesday, March 18, 2008

TAgGeD! (again)

My sweet friend Texie B tagged me and since this is the first time she has done that, I'm going to oblige. So here it is:"

1.What were you doing 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was 17 and living it up as a junior in high school! (those were the days) (not really) I'm sure I was spending every minute of the day from sun rise to sun set- eating, sleeping, and breathing dance.

Five things on my "to-do" list today.

1. go to the gym (which I didn't, by the way)
2. finish the laundry
3. dust and vac
4. run some errands
5. plan for dinner

Six Snacks that I enjoy.

Thats hard because snacks are my favorite part of the day and I don't know how to narrow it down. I'll give it a shot.

1. obviously a delicious bev. (diet dr pepper is the bev of choice these days)
2. anything gummy (sour patch kids, gummy bears)
3. i love to enjoy a lovely bowl of ice cream with my sweetie at the end of the day.
4. cheese
5. apples dipped in peanut butter (I'm such a health nut) haha
6. banana bread

Three bad habits.

Only three?

1.letting my kids eat too many sweets.
2.losing my patience easily
3.leaving my salon a mess when I'm finished with an appointment

If I were suddenly a billionaire I would...

Try to help others and try to live the same way I do now minus financial burdens.

Five Places I've lived.

1. Carson City, Nevada.

2. Seoul, Korea.
3. Orem, Ut.
4. Cottonwood Heights, Ut.
5. Layton, Ut.

Five Jobs I've had.

1. Telemarketing
2. Hostess at TGIFridays
3. Cashier at Robyn Todd
4. Dance teacher
5 Hair stylist

Five things people don't know about me

I'm pretty out there so there aren't many things people don't know about me, but I'll give it a shot.

1. I put my head phones on and jam when cleaning my house.
2. I enjoy cleaning dirty crockpots. (I enjoy the challenge)
3. It bothers me when people say "anyways" instead of "anyway"
4. I can't stand wearing my glasses which is why I wear my contacts 24/7
5. I've never watched an entire episode of Survivor.

So there you have it.


laura said...

You can clean my crockpot any time!

I've never watched Survivor either.

You are awesome!

WIKKY said...

Seriously, I am so glad that you didn't tag someone else at the end. I am so not in to the tagging. But... I really loved learning more about you!

nanajan said...

ditto what Laura said! All of it.

Unknown said...

6. (bonus) What's is Mary's favorite place to visit when she wants to relax? Antelope Island, of course.

Gram said...

I liked finding out more about you, you sweetheart! I agree with Laura and Nanajan.

Lindsay Thacker said...

You lived in seoul? Your dad was the mission president huh? Thats awesome! When we go to thailand we are stopping in seoul for a day to see nates bro that is there and im totally terrified of not being able to communicate with ANYONE! Its a freaky thought for me! :)