Monday, January 21, 2008

Loving the videos

So many of my blogging friends and family members post videos and every time they do we just love to watch them. Ayden is always asking to watch those videos of his friends on the computer. So I realized that I hardly ever post videos (mainly because they take so long) and that I need to do that more.

My kids love bath time! And I think their favorite part is getting out and running around in their robes. So we had to make a fun video to share with our blogging friends of their favorite time of day!


Abi said...

oh man . . . the video isn't showing up on my computer. I love the videos as well! I'll check later and see if it's up so I can see Sop and Ayden's cute faces!!

WIKKY said...

no video!!! Don't do that to me!!! Just kidding. Maybe it just didn't download right.