Most men get their hair cut every three to four weeks and love to find someone who can cut it the same every time so they don't have to think about it right? Well, not my man. He is always wanting to try something different. He likes to mix it up a little. He always looks good too and he's not afraid to try some crazy stuff.
Everyone knows about all the David Beckham hype right now. He's everywhere. My brother-in-law recently did a commercial advertising his move to the US for ESPN. Logan has always loved soccer and plays it really well. It makes me sad that he doesn't have the opportunity to play very often.
He has been growing out his hair lately. When I was doing haircuts the other day he ask what I thought about doing the David Beckham "do" so we decided to give it a shot. I love it! It's kind of a shock since his hair was so long (and dark) before but I think he looks really hot! I love that my husband likes to change things up and try new styles. I know he'll never get stuck in the same old style because he likes change too much. What a fun guy!
I see where this is going..:) that looks EXACTLY like Aydo! What a hunk
Now we know who Ayden looks like! So we know he will be a sexy hunk when he grows up just like his daddy.
I still say Blake Lewis...
OH MY I LOVE IT!! YOU LOOK SO GOOD LOG! Just in time for Lava Lava. Too bad we all didn't get our new dos!
now where is victoria??
I am jealous. To get Tay to cut his hair...
It's pretty much impossible. He lets it get so long (he HATES haircuts) before he will finally do anything about it. Oh, and then he goes on his "I'm growing my hair out" kicks. That's where we are now. Ha!
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